what we do


We study people as groups: "consumers," "target markets" or "segments." But to turn people on and give them the products and services they want, we have to go deeper than that. We have to be on intimate terms with them, in tune with their needs, values, beliefs, behavior and aspirations. We continuously strive to know and understand people as this underpins an effective marketing strategy.  

Consumers and consumer behavior are a lot more complex today. People can't be lumped into homogenous, cookie-cutter masses anymore. They are now more diverse and more individualistic. (In fact, a person's needs and behavior can vary widely in different contexts.) They are now more informed and more sophisticated. And as a result, they are now more demanding of the products and services they choose.

People are a hodgepodge of needs, wants, ambitions and desires. A market understanding study will allows us to answer these key questions about them:

* What are their values or beliefs?

* What do they need from you? How do they use your products and services?

* What do they think of your brand?

* What will they want in the future? What are their unmet needs?


Consumers connect with your company through your brand. And like the popular girl in school, a consumer is wooed and teased by a whole mess of brands and brand activities: new product launches, brand extensions, new categories, new channels, etc.

Consumers interact with your brand on different levels:

* Brand in the society: the corporate level; issues such as the citizenship of your brand, its ethics, corporate responsibility, transparency

* Brand in the market: understanding the market drivers, and how your brand relates to its competitive environment

* Brand in the portfolio: roles and missions of your different brands in the portfolio

* The Inner brand, with different levels of brand-consumer relationships:

- Functional descriptors, the fact-driven level of your brand-product

- Functional benefits, how your products' features turn into consumer benefits

- Emotional benefits, the in-depth, intimate relationship with your brand

- Personality, the personification of your brand

- Brand Essence or Character, your brand's DNA, its ultimate nature.

Great brands take on a life of their own. Great brands endure. Great brands make the bottom line. And greatness comes from combining all these elements into one compelling sell that will successfully connect you to your consumers.


In this pop consumer culture where a new brand is exploding every minute in every corner, your most important task is to maintain that competitive edge by differentiating your brand. You need to stay a step ahead of your competition and sustain it --- especially in hard economic times. And as times change, so do consumers' demands change along with it.

Driving and delivering effective innovation is critical for your brand to survive. Innovation is blazing a new brand trail. It is grounded on a basic consumer need, fueled by a strong consumer insight and let fly by Inspiration.

We collaborate with you in a creative process. We apply different techniques to refine and nurture original ideas, from a product concept to a brand in the hearts and minds of your consumer.


As advertising costs rise, you have to make every peso count. Advertising works in mysterious ways such that there is no fool-proof way to predict its effectiveness. But research can play a big part in minimizing the risk of investing on poor communications.

There are standard advertising measures to aid diagnosis, such as salience, persuasion, sales response or involvement. We establish these to allow us to benchmark measures. But in the end, our analysis is guided by a complex interplay of factors that make up how your audience interacts with a piece of communication.

Instead of a blunt "one size fits all" instrument, your ad is evaluated against its own advertising objectives. These will always be the yardstick to understanding and appreciating all the category conditions and advertising conventions in which your brand is promoted. PSRC offers both qualitative and quantitative approaches to help validate ad material choices, fine tune weak elements, and create learnings over time. So you make wiser investments and get healthier returns.


Competition's getting fiercer these days. You have to keep your ear to the ground and your finger on the pulse of your customers. You have to protect your franchise.

There's a story behind every customer satisfaction rating you get. Any strategy you develop to satisfy the customer base must consider how they, on a deeper level, experience your company. You must listen and correctly interpret your customers' overall experience as much as the little things that delight or disappoint Them.

You have to study every touch point to identify the critical factors that drive a successful customer relationship. PSRC uses a variety of approaches to continuously keep tabs on your relationship with your customer. Keep in touch and keep that love alive.


Studying people's behavior usually means looking at them as "consumers," their needs, wants and attitudes and how they decide what they look for in which categories.

But the picture takes on more detail and you can get more information for building your brand, when a study of consumers becomes a study of shoppers, and a study of shoppers becomes a study of buyers. You can gain a deeper understanding and a more insightful perspective when you follow your targets and study their mindsets on this path to Purchase.

PSRC develops shopper studies that analyze all the critical elements of your consumers en route to your product: channels, categories/ products in channels, SKU, packaging and merchandising. To remove the barriers and direct your consumers to choosing your brand.


We have been studying the Filipinos for decades and we want to leverage our knowledge and expertise of the Filipinos in helping government and non-government organizations, both local and international, in coming up with policies and programs for development.

We are able to talk to Filipinos of all walks of life.

Leveraging on our strong field operations, we are able to cover all provinces nationwide, up to the most rural areas. Tapping local interviewers and researchers help us create connections with locals and bring depth to our understanding of the community. 

Our approach to social research spans both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and using various tools and techniques to bring data to life.


Whatever your business problem, you need a research solution that is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The balance of both gives you a complete picture for understanding your consumers.

Quantitative research is all about numbers and logic. Qualitative research complements this with the subjective and emotional.

PSRC has been measuring, predicting and tackling the size, scope and intensity of consumer opinions for over 40 years.

PSRC also has the biggest qualitative research team in the industry; people with such varied social science backgrounds bringing you the newer, edgier methods.

And the presentation of results is not even the end point of a study. Through workshops, PSRC makes the research come to life, making the results more actionable for you.

The flexible, customized protocol that combines these two methods, with PSRC's 45 years of consumer experience --- that's what you need to get to the most critical insights to drive your brand.


As we go deeper into the digital age, we have seen massive shifts in media consumption, shopping behavior, and the ushering of new generations of digital natives, creating new marketing challenges that we have not faced before. As our consumers shift and adapt, so should market research.

We help design and execute new research solutions that enable clients to understand our new consumers using data science and digital research tools. Data science provides innovative perspective and data-driven solution to these new marketing challenges. This booming industry has led the creation of robots for automation and predictive algorithms. We have also leveraged these developments in coming up with new research tools that help us unearth new insights.

As the world continuously change, we also expand our perspective and approach to be able to address and solve new research needs. We will be working with you in developing customized solutions, and continuously adapting to the new world dynamics.